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Consumer Electronics Case Study

The consumer electronics market is expected to amount to 3.28 billion users. This impacts many industries, including communication, entertainment, education, healthcare, and security. Upsellit specializes in helping consumer electronics brands collect new-to-file leads, convert new customers, increase order values, and increase lifetime value. 

This case study outlines the different ways that Upsellit increased online conversions for some of the web’s biggest consumer electronics brands. 

Download the case study to discover how Upsellit:

  • Seamlessly mixes and matches strategies to achieve any objective
  • Boosts revenue $378K from underperforming segments
  • Reduces checkout abandonment and recovers 52% of shoppers with Coupon Corrector
  • Identifies and recovers 24% of shoppers with Email Remarketing
  • Collects leads with small incentives to drive $2M in new revenue in 6 months