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Shop LC Case Study

At Upsellit, we're passionate about driving results. Our Growth Team specializes in transforming online performance through meticulous analysis and strategic optimizations. 

What is the Growth Team?

Our Growth Team comprises seasoned experts in conversion optimization, data analytics, and strategic marketing. They collaborate closely with clients to uncover hidden opportunities and craft tailored solutions that deliver measurable results.

Why Download the Case Study?

In this case study, the Growth Team helped Shop LC, an affordable retailer of jewelry, fashion, and lifestyle products, achieve an increase in revenue and conversions in 90 days without implementing additional solutions.
Download the case study to gain exclusive insights into:

  • The initial campaign launch and the follow-up campaign launch with an A/B test. 
  • The strategy behind our successful campaign optimizations. 
  • The client's feedback on the process.
  • The impact of revenue and customer acquisition metrics.