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Website Experience Case Study

Upsellit’s Website Experience includes two powerful solutions: AI Recommendations and Targeted Tactics. Together, these solutions empower brands to create one-to-one experiences to reduce abandonment, increase average order value, and boost customer acquisition. 

This compilation of case studies showcases how our AI Recommendations and Targeted Tactics perform across different industries, complete with in-depth campaign insights, segmentation breakdowns and performance metrics. 

Download the case study to discover how Upsellit: 

  • Personalizes the shopping experience with recommendations: 2-22% conversion rate
  • Targets hesitant shoppers with an incentive-driven approach: 17-33% conversion rate
  • Presents unique value propositions as offers to entice users: 4-8% conversion rate
  • Spotlights recent views and purchases to drive conversions: 3-6% conversion rate
  • Leverages low inventory levels to prompt quick action: 10-24% conversion rate